
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Array City

Students created their own "Array Cities" to showcase their knowledge of arrays. Students constructed their arrays throughout the city and showcased the multiplication fact sentence that matched. This was a fun and relevant way to display our learning. 

First in Math Challenge

Let's see how many classmates can move up from Rookie to Student in our First in Math Program. I challenge you to MOVE UP in 1st in Math. 
Rookie= 0-249 stickers
Student= 250-499
Scholar= 500-999
Whiz= 1,000-1, 499

Who will take the challenge? Who will our STUDENT of the DAY be tomorrow? And will our team ever get off Rookie status? 

This Week's Newsletter

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

FiRsT QuArTeR CoNfErEnCe TiMe :)

Hi! I hope everyone is having a great day!
It's that time of year...
FiRsT QuArTeR CoNfErEnCe TiMe :) 
Below is a link to sign up for your first quarter conference. I look forward to meeting with you. If you have any questions or concerns before we meet, please let me know. :) Happy Wednesday. 
~Mrs. McNeely

Monday, September 21, 2015

Hands On Science at Home

EQ: How do seeds travel?

This is one of the many Science questions that students are answering this week. Attached are three activities that you can do at home with your child to demonstrate how seeds are dispersed.

Glider Seed Pod

Rotocopter Seed Pod

Spinner Seed Pod

This Week's Newsletter

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Monday, September 7, 2015

Friday, September 4, 2015

Upcoming Field Trips: Money due by Sept. 25

Kids Day with the Cherokees
Oct. 1                 Cost $8.50
3 chaps are needed per class but you MUST DRIVE
Let me know if you're interested in chaperoning.

RMSC: Natural Sci Discovery Day

Cost $4
Mon. Oct 12th - McNeely and Schweigert

 Tues. Oct 13th - Utes, Weishaar and Alnatour           NO CHAPS NEEDED for this trip

Columbia State House and Museum

May 10, 2016                     Total Cost $50             
$25 due NOW if your child is going AND if you would like to chaperone for this trip, then you must pay an additional $25 to hold your spot. Final balance will be due in April and permission slips for this trip will be sent home in May.

Enjoy the Long Labor Day Weekend:)