
Friday, December 18, 2015

A Note from Your Teacher

    As I am sitting in this classroom, enjoying lunch in these peaceful and quiet moments of a busy day, I am thankful for all the little bodies that walk through my door every day. Teaching has been my mission in life... the "job" I decided that I was meant to do when I was sitting in my third grade classroom. This job is not easy, but it is one that I am truly honored and blessed to have, So as we are almost finished with the LAST day of the 2015, I just wanted to wish each of my students and their families a wonderful two week break, Enjoy your family time and this amazing season of giving and being thankful. We all lead busy lives, so I am wishing you time and much happiness this holiday season, See you in 2016.

Merry Christmas!
Love, Mrs. McNeely

Pics from our class holiday party